Work Day– Pruning and Gardening in July

When last we talked about Workdays we shared some of the pictures of our fierce efforts at getting out the trees we call invasives. Once again we are inviting you to be part of sending more of these trees to the chipper and the dumpster.

Why the fixation on invasives you ask?   The trees are not bad in and of themselves but they have occupied and crowded out the native species, taking over sections of the property.  It’s not personal but…. they have to go so we can plant native and fruit-bearing trees:

  • Native Bald Cypress and develop a really cool wetlands
  • Native Pines bounded by stylish Native Sea Grapes
  • More Sub-tropical and Tropical Fruit Trees and Food Production Areas

Join us as we cut, clean, and beautify! Maximize hot summer weather and get great things done!!! You know it’s good for you and good for creation!

Who: Parkway Tedder Community Garden and Parkway United Methodist Church–

Where: Parkway Tedder Community Garden & Food Forest, at Parkway UM Church, 100 NE 44th Street, Deerfield Beach, FL

When: Saturday July 10th from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm

Expect: Snacks, cold water and a feeling of accomplishment in the Garden

Bring: Work Gloves, Sun protector, closed-toe shoes, chainsaws and fierce cutting tools (if you have them and know how to use them).  Some lighter-load WorkDay activities are ongoing and available too!

Questions? email  flavio(at)