Our New CSA Season is Growing – Reserve Your Share

Here at TFF, we can’t believe it’s already the beginning of the growing season. Even in these late-summer 90-degree days, tomato, pepper, and eggplant seedlings—as well as kales, cabbages, colorful swiss chards, broccolini, cauliflower, and more—are growing nicely in the nursery. And by the way, all these happy growing plant babies are housed in the new, larger, stronger, beautiful nursery we built over the summer with our stalwart (and apparently heat-proof) summer volunteers! (A large thank-you to the Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation for making the new nursery possible.)

We are now in the process of building nursery tables (using a timely donation of decking boards from Home Depot). As we finish each new table, we quickly fill it with newly seeded trays. Two favorites of our CSA members—the first plantings of spicy, peppery arugula and “supreme” salad greens—went into garden rows this week for harvest in October. Chris and our volunteers prepped rows in a second field area for the first planting of TFF’s tasty green beans later this week.
We are gearing up for our best season of veggies, greens, and community yet
We hope you’ll join us this season for our CSA program. It’s a win-win for everyone. Our subscribers, who purchase a Buy/Give Share, pick up a basket of flavorful, nutritious, freshly harvested and hyper-local produce each week, at the same time supporting our produce donations to local food pantries and soup kitchens. Everything in our shares is grown right here at the Fruitful Field and in most cases is harvested just hours before our subscribers pick it up. For details and to reserve a share, click on the “Garden Shares” tab in the black navigation bar above. You can sign up and reserve your share now; share pickups start the beginning of November.
Join us for our Socially Distanced Open House/CSA Season Launch Sept. 12

We invite you to stop by the garden for our (socially distanced) open house/CSA season launch (Sept. 12, 9:30-11:30 a.m.) Come see what our amazing (and apparently heat-proof) volunteers have accomplished over the summer — including the incredible new mural painted by former garden intern Tina Van Zwol and family. It’s the perfect time to tour the garden, sign up for your CSA share (if you haven’t already) and meet a few of our GrowCity Youth interns.
A few notes
- As long as COVID is an issue, we will provide CSA shares in grab-and-go bags, with contactless pickup options (placed directly in your car trunk, if you like). As always, you are welcome to walk the garden paths (in a socially-distanced sort of way), bring children and family, and so forth. The garden is a great place to enjoy the outdoors. (If you’d like to get your hands dirty, you can also volunteer—we can always find a garden task to suit your individual or family needs.)
- We will offer a new CSA share pick-up location this season in Pompano at our second site, the Patricia Davis Community Garden near Blanche Ely High School (Wednesday afternoon/evenings).
- If you are interested in a Hollywood pick-up option, please let us know. We have a subscriber who is willing to take shares south for pickup in East Hollywood.
We hope you’ll stop by and see how TFF is growing! We’ve missed seeing our garden family over the hot months of summer!