Taking care of the Dirt-y Work: Saturday, Nov 13th, 9am – 12pm

Hey Fruitful Mob, we have a great morning of work planned for Saturday Nov 13th!
It’s prime growing season and we need to get planting!

Bring: A bag of dirt aka Organic Topsoil–nothing ‘enriched’ or containing chemical fertilizers please! check back soon for pictures of organic options available locally

Two Dirt-y Volunteer Projects:

1) Fill Food Pantry Plots with dirt and compost and plant vegetables
2) Sow Permaculture ‘cover crops’ around the property–Don’t know what ‘cover-crops’ are? Join us and find out!


When: Saturday November 13th from 9:00am to 12:00pm
Where: The Fruitful Field: Parkway Tedder Community Garden & Food Forest
Provided: Supervised Projects, healthy snacks, cold water and a feeling of accomplishment in the Garden
Bring: Work gloves, sun protector, a hat, closed-toe shoes, a digging implement–and a bag of DIRT
Questions? email info(at)thefruitfulfield.org