Workdays Past (Oct 15th) and Upcoming (Nov 19th)

Here is our photo summary from the October 15th workday, great cool weather and lots done.  On a local food note we had our own garden grown green papaya sauteed up as a curry for lunch.  Folks initial took a timid portion, but then before long the whole 2 gallons of it were GONE!  Ingredients: Shredded green papaya, onion, Jamaican curry, coconut milk, salt.

And we are proud to present on own “in plot” irrigation system– with Glenn Monroe volunteering time and expertise the project began in the summer and finished in the fall. It gives our community gardeners and their 10ft by 10ft plots built in drip lines that are turned on during the week to make growing more predictable and abundant.

Stop by and check it out!