Our New CSA Season is Growing – Reserve Your Share

Our New CSA Season is Growing – Reserve Your Share

Here at TFF, we can’t believe it’s already the beginning of the growing season. Even in these late-summer 90-degree days, tomato, pepper, and eggplant seedlings—as well as kales, cabbages, colorful swiss chards, broccolini, cauliflower, and more—are growing nicely in the nursery. And by the way, 

A big Thank You to our Volunteers!

While summer is officially over and school has begun here in South Florida, here at the garden the early September subtropical heat is still brutal. Our nursery is filling up with seedlings; we’re preparing our fields for new plants, and the new season is beginning! 

What Our Farmer Did This Summer

In addition to weeding, mulching (and sweating) through the hot South Florida summer days, we have spent much of the past month researching ways to increase production in our current space. The goal is two-fold: To serve more of the people who want to join 

Garden- Farm Intern Program- come learn and grow with us!

We’re ‘hiring’ for our big season! Inviting applications for our full -season Garden-Farm Intern Program (not to be confused with our high school ‘Grow-City’ internship). This is our fourth year running–Interns learn about vegetable-growing, fruit tree care and are rewarded with delicious veggies every week. 

Workday Oct 9th

Hi Fruitful Mob,  cool weather is happening (or breezy weather at least) and the days are getting shorter.  This means winter will soon be here and high season for planting vegetables! Not only that but we are having our big “Fall Celebration” Saturday October 23 

Garden Meeting August 16th at 7:00 pm

Time for Another Garden Meeting! It’s been a long time  😥  …. so  starting NOW these important, epic, and colorful meetings are going to be a regular part of growing forward! So: If you are involved in anyway with the garden and want to interact 

Rainy Friday, yes, but Saturday is supposed to be sunny

If Saturday is sunny please plan on joining us by working on some great garden projects. Certainly the plants are well watered!

Potting tables, Banana trees, Planning Meetings

Things keep moving forward at the Garden!  Pastor Jim and his crew were busily sawing two by fours into custom artisan potting tables (check out the pictures). These  outdoor tables will be set up for working with seeds and potting seedlings.  Stop by some time 

Fruit Tree Arrival

Our fruit trees have arrived! Here are some photos of the gorgeous citrus trees that arrived early this morning. If you want to see the mango, banana and other fruit trees, you’ll just have to come to the garden tomorrow for the big planting! This 

Big Workday July 18th

Mark your calendars, July 18, 2009,  we will be posting more details here soon but that’s the next big day of major tree planting.  8:00 Am to 1:00 PM, get your pickaxes and shovels ready. Also Two other great Workdays before the big event: This 

Youth Group Goes Bananas

On Wednesday, July 8th,  a local youth group will be digging Banana circles! Yes, you heard that right, Banana circles. These are a creative permaculture way of planting tropical banana trees mixed in with sweet potato vines.  The end result are plants that like each 

Tree Arrival

Today our first order of trees and groundcover arrived! The plants all look absolutely gorgeous. Everyone showed up around 9:00am or so, and the truck arrived soonafter, and we all got to work on unloading! It didn’t take long to unload everything, and once it