April 30th Workday – Come feed trees and plant sweet potatoes
The weather is warm, the sun bright, the trees are growing and we are having fun!
Join us for a Workday on Saturday April 30th!
Our three big projects are:
- Finish giving our Fruit Trees the fertilizer they need to grow tall and produce sweet fruit over the summer.
- Plant our back plots with sweet potato vines for the summer.
- Stake Fruit Trees that are experiencing a little bit of a lean.
So plan on joining us as we Grow, Gather and Give
When: Saturday April 30th from 9:00am to 12:00pm
Where: The Fruitful Field
Provided: Supervised Projects, snacks and light lunch, cold water, lemon grass tea and a feeling of accomplishment in the Garden
Bring: Work gloves, sun protector, a hat, closed-toe shoes, a digging implement
Questions? email info(at)thefruitfulfield.org