GrowCity 2017-2018 has started!
Pictured are a few of GrowCity interns for this year. GrowCity teaches organic farming, job readiness skills, public speaking and so much more! Stay tuned for updates.
Pictured are a few of GrowCity interns for this year. GrowCity teaches organic farming, job readiness skills, public speaking and so much more! Stay tuned for updates.
Summer is still hot but our main veggie season is coming soon!!! We are sorting seeds and filling our seedling trays with all kinds of great vegetables.
Summer is off-season for us which means prepping for on-season. That doesn’t mean we stop working at growing great food, fostering community, caring for creation– check out our Instagram feed and check out this Facebook photo album for some pictures of our summer activities– …
Our Second GrowCity youth farm and table program has wrapped up with great energy and success: 10 Youth successfully learned Organic Farm skills, Job Skills, Team and Public Speaking. Here are our 2nd year Graduates. Looking forward to another year– check the GrowCity tab the …
Only 4 places left!!! We’re very pleased to announce our next Farm-to-Table event on Saturday, March 18th starting at 6 pm at Pomodoro Restaurant–and you are invited! Join us to support the garden and the GrowCity Youth Program! This special evening features multiple courses which showcase …
Our first Farm to Table dinner partnering with Chef Piero owner of Pomodoro Restaurant. Dinner featured 8 courses served with excellence by GrowCity Youth! Bravissimo! Thanks to all who purchased tickets and supported The Fruitful Field, local business, and #seasonal food. More photos to follow. #cfbroward …
We are looking for Harvest Help on Friday mornings! Work with our harvest team to harvest fresh, organically grown vegetables for distribution to Food Pantries, Food Banks, and our Share subscribers. Contribute 3 hours each Friday morning (8:30am – 11:30am or 9am to 12noon) enjoying …
Welcome to this season’s Garden/Farm Interns! Along with our returning Garden/Farm Manager Tracy, we’re in for another great year of vegetables. Our Garden/Farm Interns learn all about growing organically in South Florida, and receive a full garden share of vegetables every week for their efforts. …
Youth Education Specialist: Urban Farm “At The Fruitful Field we grow people; in the process a lot of vegetables and fruit are produced.” TFF seeks a part-time Educational Specialist for our “GrowCity Farm and Table” youth program. In its second year, GrowCity youth program at …
The beginning of the season — we are starting to fill up our nursery with seedlings (some new varieties and many of our CSA subscriber favorites). Today, we started seeds for many varieties of #tomato #pepper #herbs #chard#eggplant #kale #greens #grownwithlove Sign Ups for the …