Sticks & Stones, Sandwiches & Tea- Dec 11th Workday Recap

Well, really they were logs, not sticks–a big thanks goes out Andy and his strong friends for their log hefting this Saturday! Fruitful Field is removing invasive Melaleucas (tea tree) and making great borders and sitting stumps. Thus, Mike, Jon and Andy in a show of strength carried, rolled, and hauled logs, making the Fruitful Field a little more decorated in time for the holidays. See more on the Flickr site!

In the other corner big stones were dug out with great gusto for new food pantry plots–Jeff and Kelly wrestled against the forces of stone to turn things into a field of green!

And thanks to Nancy’s connection with Whole Foods the crowd was fed on marvelous fresh-made sandwiches–Thank you Nancy!
Stay tuned for our January workday as new food pantry plots, more logs, and caring for fruit trees all compete for volunteer attention!

And certainly not the least: The Kindergarten Field Trip was a great success–over 100 students, their Teachers and 6 TFF Volunteers made it a great day to learn about seeds, plants, and bugs! See more on the Flickr site and stay tuned for more volunteer opportunities!