Tag: beth

Celebrate With Us!

Everyone is invited to see the gardens, enjoy the entertainment, refreshments and fun activities! Saturday, October 10 from 9AM-1PM See the new Food Forest and discover why it’s there. Find out what “permaculture” really is. Learn about community gardening and get gardening tips. Want a 

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

The morning of Saturday June 27th was a great day for the smaller group of volunteers following up from the big tree-shrub-groundcover planting last Saturday.  It was time to stake the trees that were tipping and create an earthier zone over the gravelly sandy rubble 

Help Us Grow!

Our first tree planting workday is this Saturday, June 20th! We are very excited!  We have 324 trees & shrubs and 350 groundcover plants (yes, that makes 774 holes to dig!) arriving Friday morning, and we need to get as many as possible into the ground on Saturday. If you can join us and bring friends, family or co-workers, here is all the info! If you can come, please RSVP so we can get a head count!

When: June 20th, 9:00am-1:00pm

Where: Community Garden @ Parkway United Methodist: 100 NE 44th St., Pompano Beach, FL

What: Plant 324 trees & shrubs and 350 groundcover plants

Who: You and anyone who thinks a green tree is a beautiful thing! We are happy to provide community service hours, water and snacks.

What to bring/wear:

  • Hat
  • Work clothes
  • Sunscreen
  • Sturdy, closed shoes (no sandals please)
  • Gloves
  • Your favorite water bottle

If you have one of these, please label it clearly and bring it along!

  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Hoe
  • Wheelbarrow or wagon
  • Bucket

For more info and to RSVP:

954-982-8310 or grow@parkwayteddergarden.com