Tag: bobcat

We Planted a Beautiful Food Forest

Saturday, July 18th, was a big success. All  the little citrus, mango, banana, tamarind, fig, allspice, sapote etc…. etc… got planted and were standing tall and comfortably surrounded by mulch by 12:30 pm on Saturday! Sure it was hot, dripping tropical hot, but the coolness 

Bobcat Work Begins!

I swung by the garden to do some weeding in my plot today, and I was very excited to see the bobcat hard at work! Much of the asphalt and rock had already been pushed aside, revealing classic sandy Florida soil underneath.


We interviewed Fred Crandall of Traction Bobcat, to see if he would be able to aid us in clearing the asphalt in a section of the garden.  Plans discussed and agreed upon. Unfortunately some of the stakes we placed on Saturday will have to be removed. Work starts Wed. 6-10-09.