We Planted a Beautiful Food Forest

Saturday, July 18th, was a big success. All  the little citrus, mango, banana, tamarind, fig, allspice, sapote etc…. etc… got planted and were standing tall and comfortably surrounded by mulch by 12:30 pm on Saturday!

Sure it was hot, dripping tropical hot, but the coolness of the trees seem to give promise of shade, and the promise and the potential kept people motivated and working! Some highlights….

  • Over 150 trees
  • Over 35 volunteers
  • The Brazilian church headed by Pastor Marcos and Pastor Ricardo showed up in force with over 15 amazing volunteers and a Bobcat! Their hard work, easy laughter and know-how inspired everyone (and the hamburgers and hot dogs they grilled up didn’t hurt either!)
  • Families pitched in a big way with kids involved in planting, mulching, watering and just plain enjoying the unfolding of the new forest!

So phase two of the big project is complete– take a look at the pictures and figure out how you would like to be involved. There are lots of opportunities for

  • watering,
  • mulching,
  • helping plan for the fall kickoff which will include an expanded vegetable garden area.