Tag: saturday project

Rainy Friday, yes, but Saturday is supposed to be sunny

If Saturday is sunny please plan on joining us by working on some great garden projects. Certainly the plants are well watered!

Volunteer Workday at Parkway Tedder Community Garden: Mar 13th 2010

This Saturday promises to be a great morning of hard work and fun with an unusual food drive and lots of great outdoor garden expansion projects! Time: 9:00 AM to 12Noon, Saturday March 13th 2010 Place: Parkway Tedder Community Garden, Deerfield Beach FL Food Drive: 

Tea in the Garden- A well watered success: part 1

Things looked a little iffy at 3:30 pm on Saturday the 27th, the afternoon of the big event.  The wind picked up and weather radar showed bands moving through the whole region–then the rains really began! For a little while it looked like the party would be indoors with perhaps a few peeks outside under Glenn’s blue tent:

Among the garden crew there was less than a fraction of a second’s thought to cancel, so plans were made to have Tea in the Garden outdoors under the overhang with some overlap inside the education wing of the building.

Meanwhile the insane buzz of activity was ongoing in kitchen, the show was on, and the scones, turnovers, breads (all homemade), tea sandwiches, starfruit, and homemade, fresh-squeezed lemonade were sorted and arranged.

Then just a little after 5:00 the rain eased and the sky lightened, threatening sun (yay!)…

Setup outside went into high gear

The Sun came out!!!!

Tables were loaded with home baked goodies and our awesome youth wait staff were prepped.

Stay tuned, more stories and pictures on their way!!!!

Meanwhile be checking out some  Flickr pics (right hand side)– more on their way as well!

Tea in the Garden- Buy your tickets now!


Potting tables, Banana trees, Planning Meetings

Things keep moving forward at the Garden!  Pastor Jim and his crew were busily sawing two by fours into custom artisan potting tables (check out the pictures). These  outdoor tables will be set up for working with seeds and potting seedlings.  Stop by some time 

High School Community Service Volunteers

High School volunteers do great in the garden, over winter break three volunteers helped put fertilizer around citrus, water, and prepare a new food pantry patch, thank you volunteers! Volunteers are always welcome at the Parkway Tedder Community Garden, contact us if you would like to help out!

Leadership Workshop

Discover new ways to Celebrate Creation and Build Creative Communities A One-Day Workshop at Parkway United Methodist Church Pompano beach, FL on Saturday, January 30th 2010 from 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM (including lunch) Leard how a small struggling church thought beyond their pews, developed 

Celebration a Big Success and a New Step in Growing

We would like to thank everyone who came to our celebration this past Saturday!  Though the weather was incredibly hot and humid for October, many of you showed up to drink lemonade under the fruit trees, plant a food pantry garden, put your handprints and 

Celebrate With Us!

Everyone is invited to see the gardens, enjoy the entertainment, refreshments and fun activities! Saturday, October 10 from 9AM-1PM

See the new Food Forest and discover why it’s there. Find out what
“permaculture” really is. Learn about community gardening and get
gardening tips. Want a garden plot for yourself? Now is the time!
Plant some vegetables.  Uncover the truth about worms.
Be amazed by hundreds of ladybugs. And sample some delicious treats.

Soaking rains, dripping sweat, and God have kept the garden growing! Trees are getting greener, taller and flowering, ground cover is spreading and filling rocky spaces with red and orange flowers, the banana forest is denser, feeling cooler and looking like a “Jungle Book” backdrop complete with vines and butterflies (is that a parrot off in the distance?). See the photos on http://www.flickr.com/photos/parkwayteddergarden

If you’ve been wondering or haven’t visited recently you must take it in:  Fortunately we have lots of ways for you to share in the wonder of permaculture and gardening!

Every Saturday the work continues, mulching, weeding, making trails, planting new corners of green to brighten up…show up anytime between 9:00 and 12:00. We will give you lots to do and lots of water, gatorade and snacks to keep you going!

The Big Event is Saturday October 10th from 9:00 to 1:00.  Ladybugs, worms, games, guided nature tours, fruit popsicle sticks– put it on your calendar now!

If you dream of fresh vegetables and a community of people to share gardening tips get ready because October 10th will also be the official kick off for the gardening season.  Come ready to sign up for a plot in the community garden section; pick a plot, make your plans to weed, work, and plant–and you’ll be harvesting some of the healthiest food in the county.

We look forward to seeing all of you there–especially if you helped to plant trees over the last two months, come and see how we are growing!

Trees, Paths and People

“We are doing this project in big part for people we have not met, or may never personally meet, in fact some of these people may not even be born yet– these trees are an investment in a bigger future. It’s exciting to be a 

Work Day this Saturday the 22nd

Join us on Saturday, August 22nd, to plant more trees in our urban food forest at Parkway-Tedder Community Garden! What: Help us wrap up the Broward Beautiful grant phase of our project When: Saturday, August 22nd, from 8:00am to 1:00pm Location: 100 NE 44 St, 

We Planted a Beautiful Food Forest

Saturday, July 18th, was a big success. All  the little citrus, mango, banana, tamarind, fig, allspice, sapote etc…. etc… got planted and were standing tall and comfortably surrounded by mulch by 12:30 pm on Saturday!

Sure it was hot, dripping tropical hot, but the coolness of the trees seem to give promise of shade, and the promise and the potential kept people motivated and working! Some highlights….

  • Over 150 trees
  • Over 35 volunteers
  • The Brazilian church headed by Pastor Marcos and Pastor Ricardo showed up in force with over 15 amazing volunteers and a Bobcat! Their hard work, easy laughter and know-how inspired everyone (and the hamburgers and hot dogs they grilled up didn’t hurt either!)
  • Families pitched in a big way with kids involved in planting, mulching, watering and just plain enjoying the unfolding of the new forest!

So phase two of the big project is complete– take a look at the pictures and figure out how you would like to be involved. There are lots of opportunities for

  • watering,
  • mulching,
  • helping plan for the fall kickoff which will include an expanded vegetable garden area.

Fruit Tree Arrival

Our fruit trees have arrived! Here are some photos of the gorgeous citrus trees that arrived early this morning. If you want to see the mango, banana and other fruit trees, you’ll just have to come to the garden tomorrow for the big planting! This