Thank you marvelous volunteers! What a great day of projects and sunshine at the garden!
Remember the work list?
Everything got accomplished:
1) The new Food Pantry plot was dug and de-rocked (2 bins of rocks!)
2) Banana circles got remulched and re-sweet potatoe ized (yes not a real verb but you get the idea)
3) New Sunflowers and Red Mexican Sunflowers got planted
4) More configurations of the rain barrel system
5) All kinds of heavy trash got cleaned up from the far corner of the property
6) New flowers were planted bringing dappled colors into shaded corners
7) A Citrus tree was planted in honor of a new baby girl at Parkway Church
8 ) Two sub-tropical blueberry bushes are the newest members of the Food Forest
Last, but not least, everybody brought fresh produce to feed hungry families at both Parkway food pantry and the Blessings Pompano Beach.
If you haven’t already take a look at the Flickr pictures in the right column, we just posted a bunch of pictures from the big day.
Stay tuned for the next one!!