Author: parkwayteddergarden

3rd Grade Visit- Worm Towers! More Adult Volunteers Needed

On a beautiful warm South Florida day about one hundred 3rd graders from Tedder elementary came bouncing through the gates to enjoy over an hour’s worth of learning and fun at the Garden and Fruit Forest. As you can see from the pictures below, today’s 

In Memoriam Rick Don Coffey

UPDATE: Memorial Service for Rick at Parkway United Methodist Church (site of the garden as well) on Tuesday, April 13th at 7PM Rick Don Coffey was killed in an accident on Friday April 2, 2010 while riding his bike at Sample and Military Trail. Rick 

Black Hen has arrived

Old fashioned Black Hen organic fertilizer (otherwise known as dried chicken poo)– Good for fruit trees now that warm weather is sort of here.– Old time farmers would probably scratch their heads and say, “You had to buy this stuff?”

Tedder Elementary Field Trip 3/23/10

On a gorgeous Tuesday morning almost 100 2nd graders ambled the few blocks from their school to the garden to follow up on last year’s visit and learn new things as well. This visit included Sunflower circle revisit with new seed planting and explanation about 

Green Beans for Pantry- Workshop for the Community

Check out what’s starting to grow like crazy in the food pantry plots, green beans! Tasty local organic green beans for hungry folks who visit the Saturday food pantry. As a point of comparison check out similar items at a local grocer: local, but not 

Great sunny workday on Saturday

Thank you marvelous volunteers! What a great day of projects and sunshine at the garden!

Remember the work list?

Everything got accomplished:

1) The new Food Pantry plot was dug and de-rocked (2 bins of rocks!)

2) Banana circles got remulched and re-sweet potatoe ized (yes not a real verb but you get the idea)

3) New Sunflowers and Red Mexican Sunflowers got planted

4) More configurations of the rain barrel system

5) All kinds of heavy trash got cleaned up from the far corner of the property

6) New flowers were planted bringing dappled colors into shaded corners

7) A Citrus tree was planted in honor of a new baby girl at Parkway Church

8 ) Two sub-tropical blueberry bushes are the newest members of the Food Forest

Last, but not least, everybody brought fresh produce to feed hungry families at both Parkway food pantry and the Blessings Pompano Beach.

If you haven’t already take a look at the Flickr pictures in the right column, we just posted a bunch of pictures from the big day.

Stay tuned for the next one!!

Rainy Friday, yes, but Saturday is supposed to be sunny

If Saturday is sunny please plan on joining us by working on some great garden projects. Certainly the plants are well watered!

Volunteer Workday at Parkway Tedder Community Garden: Mar 13th 2010

This Saturday promises to be a great morning of hard work and fun with an unusual food drive and lots of great outdoor garden expansion projects! Time: 9:00 AM to 12Noon, Saturday March 13th 2010 Place: Parkway Tedder Community Garden, Deerfield Beach FL Food Drive: 

Tea in the Garden- A well watered success: part 2

When last we wrote, the rain had poured, stopped, and a rainbow had come out!  At 5:30pm the sun showed up and so did Tea in the Garden guests.  Hesitantly at first, wondering if they would find anything going on in the Garden…folks beamed when they saw the tiki torches and smiles grew wider seeing the tables laden with home-baked goods.

What a great evening! The Tea in Garden succeeded on all counts, showing off the Garden and Food Forest, raising funds, and most importantly bringing people together.  All of you are invited to “Put Down Roots” and participate! The next Volunteer Workday is Saturday March 13 from 9am-12pm; bring a pound of your favorite produce to contribute to the Food Pantry, and stay to work on a project!

Over $2,000 was raised thanks to all of you who came to the event!  If you would like to contribute financially, Tea in the Garden is still accepting donations:   Paypal Link

Scroll down for a few more pictures or visit the flickr site, and…See you in the Garden!

the promised rainbow!

Tables for all ages

And the Garden glowed with tiki torches and white lights

Safari Tea!

Some Introductions, Explanations and Invitations to “Put down Roots”

Tea in the Garden- A well watered success: part 1

Things looked a little iffy at 3:30 pm on Saturday the 27th, the afternoon of the big event.  The wind picked up and weather radar showed bands moving through the whole region–then the rains really began! For a little while it looked like the party 

Tea in the Garden- Buy your tickets now!


“Church, community take garden concept to next level”

Check out this article written by the  Methodist conference on the Parkway Tedder Community Garden and its partnering church, Parkway United Methodist.

E- Review Article

February and March BIG EVENTS– meanwhile plants keep growing

Parkway Tedder Community  Garden is bursting with activity right now. Between (1) the “Tea in the Garden” fundraising event coming up February 27th (see below and on our Facebook group) and (2) the “Leadership Workshop” coming up March 20th (see Leadership Workshop tab for details)