The Fruitful Field “Non-Gardening” Volunteer Needed
Yes, you read that right. No sweating, digging through the dirt, battling bugs, pulling weeds or sunscreen required. The Fruitful Field is looking for someone to help us track data for the great things that are happening, i.e., vegetables harvested, volunteer hours invested, new crops planted, etc. If you or someone you know likes spreadsheets and databases and would like to take this on, TFF would be delighted to meet and talk. This is an off-site opportunity to be an official TFF volunteer.
Time investment: +/-2 hrs for setup; 15-30 minutes maintenance per week.
Skills/Tools Needed: Good proficiency and autonomy in setting up and maintaining a data tracking system. Must have own computer and internet connection.
Reward: A sense of accomplishment about TFF knowing ‘how our Garden grows’ so that we can ‘grow, gather & give’ more effectively.
Contact: Flavio Sloat, flavio(at)