Author: Jaime Castoro
The Fruitful Field 23-24 Season
We thank you for a successful growing season. Your support provided thousands of pounds of fresh nutrient, nutrient-dense produce to food-insecure communities across Broward County. We expanded our fields by 30% and repaired our well and irrigation (thanks to Allini Water Filters). With the help …
Link to Tea in the Garden Tickets:
Link to Grow City Youth Application:
Grow City Youth Paid INTERNSHIP
Winter Session Begins on February 12, 2024
Use link to apply or email:

Tea in the Garden-Annual Fundraiser
February 24, 2024 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm Link here for tickets:
Upcoming Activities!
The Patricia Davis Community Garden is happy to present our Fresh Food Box & Events for the upcoming season! Please join us. Fresh Food Box register here:
NOVA NSU -Intern
The Fruitful Field was fortunate to have a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist graduate student from the Department of Nutrition at Nova Southeastern University. Camilla Mirkin worked with our Grow City Youth interns, GardenShare members, volunteers, and others who frequent The Fruitful Field. Her help with our Tea in the Garden fund-raising event was invaluable. She wrote and designed a guide that provides information about some of the foods grown at The Fruitful Field. This guide includes descriptions, health benefits, and a recipe. It is very helpful, especially for people unfamiliar with fresh garden produce. Camilla will be missed, and we hope that she visits us often.

The Fruitful Field Updates
The Fruitful Field team is busy preparing fields for summer. We are planting eggplant, peppers, and okra in select fields. We are allowing some fields to rest through the summer. You will see positive change when you return for Market days in the fall. The …