1st Saturday Workday

On Saturday about 10 of us gathered to really kick off the new summer permaculture project. With mission statement agreed upon by consensus and project yawning before us, Wayne gave some very positive updates on the paperwork part of the permaculture. Broward Beautiful was enthusiastic about the drawings and gave us a sign to put up out front and 3 extra weeks to get the project done. The City of Deerfield though initially problematic decided that the project was not a “fruit orchard” and gave it the green light as offering up some review by the city’s landscape architect.

Things then shifted outside with Miguel, and everyone gathered pickaxes and wooden spikes and split into to crews. We headed to the Northwest corner of the property (Sector 1) and stuck in the stakes with the initials of the trees on them that will be planted. In addition, Pastor Jim scoped out the slabs of asphalt and will consult a friend to see if he is interested in helping move those with a bobcat before trees are planted.

Also, Miguel found a gigantic industrial container for us to convert to a rainwater collection container! Next meeting is Monday evening and next Saturday should be a workday with digging.