Potting tables, Banana trees, Planning Meetings
Things keep moving forward at the Garden! Pastor Jim and his crew were busily sawing two by fours into custom artisan potting tables (check out the pictures). These outdoor tables will be set up for working with seeds and potting seedlings. Stop by some time and take part in getting some of your favorite seeds ready for gardening.
With the recent cold snap the banana trees had some dry leaves they were done with (banana leaves are pretty big!) and so Pierre, one of our community gardeners, led our efforts to give them a shave & a haircut. With swift slices soon the dry stuff was in the middle of the banana circles ready to compost into a fresh round of banana leaves.
In yet another corner of the garden, the planning committee for the “Tea in the Garden” event, February 27th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, gathered. (Sorry no pictures on this one–pics a bit boring, bunch of folks sitting around- ha!) But the event itself will be exciting so– Save the date!
And don’t forget the food pantry garden plots…they just keep growing!