Tag: citrus trees

February and March BIG EVENTS– meanwhile plants keep growing

Parkway Tedder Community  Garden is bursting with activity right now. Between (1) the “Tea in the Garden” fundraising event coming up February 27th (see below and on our Facebook group) and (2) the “Leadership Workshop” coming up March 20th (see Leadership Workshop tab for details) 

Tedder Elementary School 2nd Graders Experience “the garden”!

On the morning of Tuesday November 17th 110 Second graders from Tedder Elementary lined up at school and tromped 2 blocks to the south gate of Parkway Tedder Garden.  Excited to be on a field trip and excited by so many new things literally on 

Fruit Tree Arrival

Our fruit trees have arrived! Here are some photos of the gorgeous citrus trees that arrived early this morning. If you want to see the mango, banana and other fruit trees, you’ll just have to come to the garden tomorrow for the big planting!

This is definitely the week to come! If you’ve been waiting and considering coming to a workday, this is the one to come to:-) The entire garden smells of lovely citrus blossoms.