Tag: community garden

Resting, But Not Stopping

Hope you garden folk had a great 4th of July Holiday!  Just a note to say that though we didn’t have a workday Saturday the 4th. The plants have kept on growing and this next Saturday, July 11th, we will get things ready for the 

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

The morning of Saturday June 27th was a great day for the smaller group of volunteers following up from the big tree-shrub-groundcover planting last Saturday.  It was time to stake the trees that were tipping and create an earthier zone over the gravelly sandy rubble 

With the Rain Came the Wind!

The new plants got a wonderful amount of water on Tuesday.  Of course the rain was delivered with lots of wind, blowing intense wind!  This had its consequences. Fortunately, though there is a lot of leaning, there is not too much on the lying on the ground.  Flavio did some work Wednesday propping up and staking with some high tech soft plastic ties– if others would like to come with tying material and stakes there is ongoing tree supporting and adjusting to be done!P1090705 (2)



Tree Arrival

Today our first order of trees and groundcover arrived! The plants all look absolutely gorgeous. Everyone showed up around 9:00am or so, and the truck arrived soonafter, and we all got to work on unloading! It didn’t take long to unload everything, and once it 

Help Us Grow!

Our first tree planting workday is this Saturday, June 20th! We are very excited!  We have 324 trees & shrubs and 350 groundcover plants (yes, that makes 774 holes to dig!) arriving Friday morning, and we need to get as many as possible into the 

Garden Meeting

Our weekly garden meeting was tonight, and it went really well. We got a quick update from everyone, and then split into two groups. One group worked on organizing all of the logistics like volunteers, water, snacks, etc., and a second group focused on trees, placement and organizing how to go about the actual act of planting them. A lot was accomplished! Most of the logistics are taken care of and people are assigned specific tasks this week, to help get ready for Saturday. The only thing we are missing is volunteers! We haven’t had many people RSVP to let us know they’ll be there, so we don’t really know how many people to expect at this point. So if you are coming, bring a friend, and let us know!

We’ll have snacks and water available, and lots of different things for everyone to do!

Trees on Friday

Our first shipment of trees will arrive at the garden on Friday morning! We’ll have more details posted soon. If you are free that morning and can help us unload them, that would be amazing:-) We are also going to need lots of volunteers on 

2nd Garden Workday

So, this was the second garden workday so far. The goal for this workday was to finish staking out the areas for the plants, and to dig a few holes to see how difficult it was, and how long we thought it would take. Low 

Bobcat Work Begins!

I swung by the garden to do some weeding in my plot today, and I was very excited to see the bobcat hard at work! Much of the asphalt and rock had already been pushed aside, revealing classic sandy Florida soil underneath.


We interviewed Fred Crandall of Traction Bobcat, to see if he would be able to aid us in clearing the asphalt in a section of the garden.  Plans discussed and agreed upon. Unfortunately some of the stakes we placed on Saturday will have to be 

Garden Meeting

Tonight was a successful garden meeting. We were able to discuss several issues that have popped up, and get organized for Saturday. We’re hoping that the first order of plants will be in by then, but even if they aren’t there are plenty of things 


Mary interviewed  someone on gutters, and got a drawing of recommended gutter placement for the church building.  We should hear from him in 2-3 days with an estimate, and from there we’ll begin to build the rainwater system!

1st Saturday Workday

On Saturday about 10 of us gathered to really kick off the new summer permaculture project. With mission statement agreed upon by consensus and project yawning before us, Wayne gave some very positive updates on the paperwork part of the permaculture. Broward Beautiful was enthusiastic