Workday Saturday February 18th!

Help us get ready for Tea in the Garden!

To prepare for our annual ‘afternoon in the spotlight’ there’s lots to do! From weeding, to path straightening, organizing, cleaning up the food pantry plots–plus all the regular things that go with producing over 100 lbs of food per month for the community! Join us!

**NOTE** If you plan to volunteer for Tea in the Garden–and have not yet contacted us–stop by for the orientation session at 10:30 on the 18th. You’ll get a volunteer assignment and explanation of duties.

Where: The Fruitful Field
Provided: Supervised Projects, snacks and light lunch, cold water, lemongrass tea and a feeling of accomplishment in the Garden
Bring: Work gloves, sun protector, a hat, closed-toe shoes (no sandals), a digging implement
When: Saturday February 18th from 9:00am to 12:00pm
Questions? email info(at)
RSVP if possible by email or Facebook
We will have our awesome “Fruitful Field Marinara” made with 95% garden ingredients for lunch!

And, Buy your tickets NOW for Tea in the Garden!
Seating is limited for the Saturday, February 25th event and we want to see you and your friends there! 

Purchase online at