Don’t forget our next Workday is December 17th at 9:00 am

Lots of great Growing Season projects. Shaping and Planting a new straw bale row for vegetable production. Zai holes for planting velvet beans and sunflowers. Starting seedlings in the plant nursery Starting work on a Moringa grove. Weeding (of course)!   When: Saturday December 17th from 

Workdays Past (Oct 15th) and Upcoming (Nov 19th)

Here is our photo summary from the October 15th workday, great cool weather and lots done.  On a local food note we had our own garden grown green papaya sauteed up as a curry for lunch.  Folks initial took a timid portion, but then before 

October Workday– Saturday the 15th

As promised, we will be having our next workday the third Saturday of the Month-this October 15th Temperatures are cooler, the breeze is refreshing and our vegetables are starting to grow! Come join us for work on some great projects and good snacks: Planned Projects 

Workday Report 09-17-11

Another great Saturday workday at the Fruitful Field. Harvesting, Planting, and Things done. Lots of energy and lots of great things accomplished, thanks to everyone who came out! Here is a slide show from the workday. Our next Garden workday is October 15th. Make plans 

September 17th Workday– Planting and Growing

Keep Planting for the Fall Veggie Season! So….Saturday September 17th we need your help to plant, weed and mulch. Snacks and light lunch provided.  Come ready to work hard as we grow food and build community.  It’s a new season and great time to be 

Autumn Workday– August 20, 2011

Autumn in South Florida means back to school and hurricane season, BUT more importantly for The Fruitful Field it means the start of a new planting season! Help us get things moving so we can plant all kinds of great vegetables and herbs for an 

July 9th workday and Summer Gardening workshop

Hot as blazes–fun as a cold watermelon! –Join us for your mid-summer work out. Projects of different kinds Plus from 10:00 to 10:30. Mini Workshop on growing vegetables during South Florida’s brutal summers The Fruitful Field’s Miguel Afonso will give a short presentation on growing 

April 30th Workday – Come feed trees and plant sweet potatoes

The weather is warm, the sun bright, the trees are growing and we are having fun! Join us for a Workday on Saturday April 30th! Our three big projects are: Finish giving our Fruit Trees the fertilizer they need to grow tall and produce sweet 

Tree Workday March 19, 2011

Do you remember when The Fruitful Field looked like this? and our trees looked liked this? To keep growing and increase Abundance at the Field we need to keep taking our Food Forest seriously. On Saturday March 19th come join us as we Focus on 

Don’t Forget- Workday this Saturday Feb 19th from 9:00 am to noon

We will be prepping the Fruitful Field for a great Tea in the Garden the following week. Mulch, path shaping, garden fancy-up. We will have our Iced Lemon Grass Tea, snacks and light lunch! See you There!

Next Garden Workday Jan 29, 2011

Come join us for another workday.  We have all kinds of projects: digging, planting, rock moving, mulching all under the glorious Florida winter sky. When: Saturday January 29th from 9:00am to 12:00pm Where: The Fruitful Field Provided: Supervised Projects, snacks and light lunch, cold water, 

First Workday of 2011– Saturday Jan 8th

The New Year is here!  At The Fruitful Field that means more growing, more community, and more great work under the (currently) mild Florida Sun–let’s enjoy it together! Join us for a great morning of digging, weeding, mulching, and planting for more food pantry crops 

Deck the Plots and Trim the Boughs–Holiday Workday Saturday Dec 11th

HO HO HO Sun and good weather keep The Fruitful Field plants and trees growing fast whether humans are busy with holiday parties or not…..! SO …they need our help! Come enjoy some holiday digging, planting and trimming Saturday Dec 11th from 9am-12pm! We will